Monday, January 9, 2012

My Last Year in My 20's~ My 29th Birthday

 I have just celebrated my 29th Birthday, which means I only have one year left in my 20's. I have come up with a list of Thirty Things To Do Before I Turn 30 and invite you to go through these experiences with me. The list is made up of a variety of things and as I complete them I will blog about it so that you can share these accomplishments with me. I'd really like to use my last year in my 20's to strengthen my relationships, give back to those that I love and those that have touched me, to live life to the fullest, and to be a healthy person spiritually, physically, and emotionally. Lets Get Started and Thanks for experencing these things with me.

Devin & Ronelyse making my Birthday Cake

My 29th Birthday

Three of my Best Friends ~ Amy, Ylissa, & Nessa
Birthday Celebration at Prime

Three More of my closest friends~ Nicole, Jenn, & Christy

1 comment:

  1. Awe! I hope your celebration was amazing sal!!! I love you mucho i hope i can see you roni and devin soon. Love you!
